Best fake recording EVER!
You should make more of this if possible. I could NOT stop laughing!
I love you Stamper! :D
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Best fake recording EVER!
You should make more of this if possible. I could NOT stop laughing!
I love you Stamper! :D
This is the worst anime episode I have ever seen!
And I mean that in the best way possible :)
Did laugh, still giggling, 10/10 5/5
Oh my god!
This was hilarious!
Somehow the combination of Spanish + Zelda + Parody = AWESOME :P
Keep it up man, I'd like to see more of this!
Thanks a lot! :)
Damn, this is nice
Though HELLA annoying indeed!
I was doing great till everything started to spin.
Good idea though ;)
GREAT game
My god, has been a while that my brains started working like this.
Managed to finish the game in about 15-20 min. though.
Really good idea too... the 3d-ness sometimes threw me off ;)
Again great game! If you're in the mood, make more ;)
I played the first one (yes it was too easy).
And I played this one.
The first time I played this, (and I've only played it once) I got to the escape pod with 32% health left or something.
I might even say this is too easy :P
But maybe I am too good :P
Nice one there, Jermain!
Sounds very crisp and well balanced.
And 4 minutes, way to go ;) You're actually starting to make full-fledged songs.
But seriously, dude, the beginning was almost a copy of Chaoz Fantasy man xD
You could've tried and not make it so obvious you're making a second Chaoz Fantasy, but still, well done and congratulations on another song completed.
Hey nicedo!
Thanks alot for the rev. man!
So when will you start submitting new songs again?
It has been a looong long time XD
Thanks again! <3
This is pure Hardstyle, man! Nice work!
I kindof missed a loud sub-bass though, maybe next time add a low sine to the kick so it'll have more impact (but don't overdo it please)
For the rest, very nice. The cymbals and hi-hat could use a little more high-frequencies, so just work on your EQ-ing skillz and it'll be even more awesome ;)
ok thanks for the tip, ill try to make a new release soon
"Invent Expand Conquer Flourish"
Age 38, Male
The Netherlands
Joined on 9/25/01