This was.....
Only thing I can find that could be better is the length of the song. Should be longer!
This was.....
Only thing I can find that could be better is the length of the song. Should be longer!
It's nice, it sounds good, just needs some more diversity.
I'm not that much of a trance fan, so you know, but I think you have a lot of talent.
I don't know how you spend your time, but seeing you submit a song almost every day or two on average, you don't spend a lot of time on one song, OR you don't do much except makig songs.
And I'm implicating you're lifeless or anything (please don't take this personal), but I think that, if you just would step away from your songs now and then, you can look at them again another time with a different view and be more objective so you can improve the songs.
I hope I made the review I intended to make.
Hope to hear more from you ;)
(BTW: Just noticed someone voted zero ¬_¬, the bastard)
actually.... as weird as it may seem to you, a old not as good version of this song was my second song i submitted, and it made song of the week....
i KNOW its repetitive, and im not gonna shorten it down to like 30 seconds just so you dont have to listen to it all, it has more parts to it then it seems, but it is the same melody, i KNOW it gets repetitive, but taking all those elements away and adding new ones would totally change the song from what i wanted it.
you think this is bad, go check out the "best electronica artists" on soundclick, there are people on there who have 9 minute long songs that use the same melody through the whole song....
plus if you dont like trance dont waste your time reviewing it.
oh and why i submit a song every day, i dont, i resubmit sometimes, and i let my songs build up and i get 3 or four finished and i dont submit all at once because then fags will vote them all down, and i wont have a chance to escape them. and i DO go back and revise my songs, thus explaining this being a REMIX of one of my older songs... lol
thanks for reviewing, i dont even know what to think....
the only reason i even keep making music is to get comments from people, the best feeling in the world is when somone listens to one of YOUR songs and then tells you its awesome.
ive had alot of good reviews, and a few shit ones, but its just too hard to get noticed on newgrounds, half the people who review dont even respect what goes into making it or even KNOW how its done...
im going to keep making music, but im giving up on getting noticed
And I mean it.
Started very nice and the whole got me into a happy mood (is that good English?? o.Ô)
Only thing that prevented me from voting 5, was that the sounds were a little TOO random and it was JUST a tad repetitive.
The voices were very amusing ^^
Yeah, i worried that the vox were too random. Maybe i'll try to work on it a bit more.
Thanks for the review!
It's a nice remix. But there are just too much different noises.
Not really a pattern or anything, that's a shame.
The end is also abrupt and I don't really hear Zelda in it, though.
I hear you have potential.
I just know you can do better than this.
Overall...quite nice
...a little bit.
The first half was tedious. You should've just gone to the last part after 4 or 8 measures.
But it's nice and hope it'll become a song I'd listen to.
I'm on and off about making this into a full song. I usually only make music from the heart, in the moment, something felt... and this isn't one of those pieces. This, I tried to make something specific, and it shows. It's kind of aimless.
We'll see.
Thanks for the review! :)
Kinda spacey and freaky sometimes.
Still, I like it.
Could use just a LITTLE more diversity.
yeah it could, but i just got lost and couldnt find anything to add
The song sounded a little empty. there was only one sound that made the melody, and one for the beat. (And I think I heard a string faintly in the background sometimes)
It's nice, but you should really be more diverse. It gets stale after a minute.
For background music or something.
It was nice listening to it, though it could use some more diversity.
Overall, nice song
Yes, sounds very much like a SNES game.
But that doesn't make it a bad song ;)
It was pleasant to listen to.
Keep up the good work ;)
thanks. I never thought of that, how it sounds like a SNES game, but i guess it does
Kewl ;)
I really liked this piece. It was very nice to listen to. Though, the transitions between 4/4 and 3/4 were a little off.
Though I do not understand how someone could just vote 0.
And I know that, 'cause it was 0.00 and I voted 4/5 and it went up to 2.00.
It was very nice, make a real song out of it ;)
"Invent Expand Conquer Flourish"
Age 38, Male
The Netherlands
Joined on 9/25/01